We are a vibrant community with many opportunities to gather together, once again showing our commitment to community and growth. Spend time getting to know your neighbors and join in the many great events happening right here in Magna.
- The Magna Metro Township meetings & events can be found at: www.magnametrotownship.org/calendar
2023 Event Calendar
Halloween in Summer Festival
Magna 4th of July – Event Schedule, Volunteer Opportunities & Parade Entries at www.magna4thofjuly.org
Magna Health & Safety Fair – TBD – Sponsored by Magna United CTC
Magna Main Street Arts Festival – Event has been postponed until further notice
9/11 Remembrance – Details on the Facebook Event
Santa Stroll – TBD – Details on the Facebook Event
Monthly Events

Chamber Business Networking Luncheon
Every 3rd Thursday of the month, excluding July & August, at Noon.
LOCATION: Webster Center, 8952 W Magna Main St, Magna UT 84044
We provide chamber members and guests the opportunity to engage and network with each other, learn about local businesses and connect with potential clients/customers that will move their businesses forward. (Click ‘Register Now’ Button below for Luncheon Pricing and purchase options)